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How Can We Reduce Animal Cruelty?

The well-being of nonhuman animals

Many of us have strong feelings for animals, but what can people do to prevent cruelty to them? It may occasionally be difficult to distinguish between reality and fiction in a world filled with fake news. 

It’s simple to think there is nothing anyone can do to assist, yet occasionally even tiny efforts may have a significant impact. Therefore, knowing what can be done to combat animal abuse is crucial. Here are six quick actions you can do daily to stop animal abuse.

Buy Responsibly

Although giving up meat may be unattainable for many Americans, purchasing cattle, eggs, poultry, pig, and dairy from animals who have had happy, healthy lives is not. Currently, 11 to 12 million “battery” hens are kept in cramped metal cages.

Furthermore, tens of thousands of other chickens cannot engage in most of their normal behaviors. Even seemingly insignificant choices, like purchasing cage-free eggs, can have a significant impact.

Report Animal Cruelty

Although seeing animal abuse is always upsetting, it also allows you to take quick action. As soon as you see instances of animal cruelty, you should get in touch with your city’s or town’s animal control office. 

If you believe the animal is in urgent danger and there is no such organization nearby, or you don’t know the number, you can phone 911 to report the cruelty. For assistance, you may also get in touch with the Animal Rescue Team at the Humane Society. 

If you can act on the animal’s behalf without putting yourself at risk, do so. Take pictures or videos of the incident or its aftermath if that isn’t feasible. Keep as much detail about the incident’s time, date, and location.

Teach and Model Animal Compassion

Children start learning how to respect animals at a young age. As adults, we are responsible for serving as positive role models for the children in our lives and demonstrating how to treat animals with love and respect. 

This is crucial because many psychologists feel that those who are harsh to animals typically develop into becoming terrible to people as well.

Care For Animals at Home

An essential aspect of pet ownership is understanding what your pet needs to have a happy and healthy life. Unfortunately, many animals experience poor care, insufficient exercise, and maltreatment. 

Before bringing your pet home, learn about their particular requirements and ensure you’re prepared to provide for them.

Have a Weekly Vegan Day

One of the world’s top meat-eating countries is the United States. The typical American consumes 110 kilos of meat annually, or around 302 grams daily. Although it might not seem like much, if 1,000 people abstained from meat for a day, the annual consumption of more than 15,000 kg would be reduced. 

Less meat consumption is also advised by many dieticians and medical professionals since it’s healthier for the environment, your health, and the animals.

Travel Responsibly

Make sure you thoroughly investigate the places you intend to visit. For instance, South East Asia is a favorite travel destination for many people since it is inexpensive and full of wonderful cultural experiences. 

For many of the animals in the area, this affordability has a steep price. In Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Cambodia, and Laos, at least 77% of elephants endure inhumane treatment, while 7,000 tigers are housed in illegal farms. 

Elephant rides are prohibited on tours run by responsible travel agencies, and many more are starting to follow suit. Though you would not expect it, World Animal Protection has reported a 30% increase in the number of elephants kept in captivity due to Thailand’s increased tourism.


Annually, more than 100,000 animals are saved; roughly 30% of these animals are euthanized because they cannot be placed in new homes. There is no justification for purchasing a pet from a breeder or pet store when so many animals are available for adoption. 

Additionally, this will put an end to some of the inhumane breeding practices and, perhaps, put an end to “puppy farms.” Many of these dog breeding establishments operate in subpar circumstances that don’t suit the dogs’ physiological, social, and behavioral demands.

Be The Change

Animal abuse and neglect are among the most horrific and terrible concerns. Every 60 seconds, an animal is abused, and around 65% of those incidents include dogs. Because there are 86,400 seconds in a day and 24 hours a week, about 1,440 animals are harmed daily. 

Most of these incidents are either unreported or inadequately reported to law enforcement or the media. There is hope at the end of the tunnel if you are as frustrated as we are. Although preventing animal cruelty is not simple, following the aforementioned advice can help you lessen abuse and neglect.

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