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Protecting Life

Opposing abortion and euthanasia.

Protecting Life

There are several reasons that people hold a strong ideology about protecting life. It might be due to religious beliefs or a strong value for human life without interference. There are also strong ideologies on the other side of the spectrum, which are known as pro-choice.

Finding common ground in a pro-life or pro-choice debate can be challenging but not impossible. Discussions are improved by understanding the beliefs, thoughts, and feelings behind each stance.

What A Pro-Life Stance Means

A traditional pro-life stance means a person who believes that the government should act to preserve life. The nuance of the circumstances, such as quality of life, intent, and viability, are not taken into consideration as preserving life is paramount.

The pro-life stance applies to different scenarios where the government is involved. They include being against:

  • Euthanasia and assisted suicide 
  • War
  • The death penalty
  • Abortion

Pro-life stances against abortion and assisted suicide are considered conservative viewpoints, as they conflict with personal autonomy. However, being against war and the death penalty are beliefs shared with those who identify as liberal.

Opposing Abortion

The opposition to abortion is where pro-life supporters come into conflict with pro-choice supporters. Every life is considered sacred and should be protected by the government, even if it’s non-viable.

In many ways, the two viewpoints share common aims, but the methods and nuances separate the arguments. As abortion ends a life unnaturally, pro-life advocates are against it.

Opposing Euthanasia

As well as the argument for the sanctity of life, there are several other beliefs behind the opposition to euthanasia. Many feel that accepting this method of ending a life means devaluing the lives of sick and disabled people.

Euthanasia is making a decision for another person, even if they agree to it. People worry that family members or others could persuade or pressure people. Another belief is that it affects more than just one person’s rights. There are also concerns that it will take the focus away from end-of-life care.

Religious Beliefs

Not all people who are pro-life are driven by their religious beliefs. However, it’s a frequently referenced reason behind the stance. Religions, such as catholicism, are based around an immortal soul. For people who believe that a person and that soul exist from the moment of conception, the termination of a life is unthinkable.

Whether killing a living and breathing person or an embryo in the womb, they are equal for people with those beliefs. It’s essential to recognize that not everyone has these religious beliefs, which is why they might have different viewpoints or different reasons for their stance.

Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

A pro-choice stance doesn’t mean pro-abortion. In many cases, pro-choice supporters also feel that they are pro-life. Abortions are essential medical procedures that can save the lives of pregnant people who experience health risks.

The pro-choice movement wants all choices, such as contraception, abortion, and emergency contraception, to be legal. When abortions are made illegal, it doesn’t necessarily mean that people won’t try to end their pregnancies. Twenty-five million unsafe abortions occur each year, putting the lives of pregnant people at risk.

What debates don’t always take into consideration is that abortion is considered the least dangerous option for some people. The circumstances of their life don’t leave them much choice. Until equality in access to reproductive care and contraception is achieved, it’s likely that people will still seek abortions.






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